
Solve your Business Challenges with World-Class UX Design.

Most companies these days are trying to innovate and stay one step ahead of the competition. Design Thinking is a strategy that has been proven time and again to be an effective way of doing this.

Designers use Design Thinking as a problem-solving process, which means they get creative by considering the user in their design decisions. They also don't just focus on designing - but rather create designs with innovative solutions for business challenges. Design thinking can help you make your company more competitive through its creativity and innovation!

Business Goals

What are your goals? The world's best athletes know the answer to that question. The successful business people as well. They all have specific, measurable goals.

  • You're building a business, and you want to start with setting clear business goals? Well, that sounds like a good idea! One of our ways to help you with that is the Business Model Canvas, a tool designed by Alexander Osterwalder.
  • You want to be one of those with a plan, not one without it. That's why we've created Strategic Business Goals for you: a customized service package designed to achieve what matters most for your company.

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In our Discovery Phase, we help our clients to understand better which challenges await them. Which hurdles we need to overcome to achieve the goal.

  • Qualitative Research is used to understand the thoughts, values and feelings of a target audience. Qualitative researchers get in-depth with customers by asking questions that allow them to 'think aloud'.
  • With Quantitative Research we uses data mining techniques in order to quantitative data (numerical data) which provide insights into what people want in order to make better decisions about your products and services.
  • How Might We's are a great source of inspiration and insight into new ideas and to spark your creativity and get you thinking outside of the box.

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During the Design Thinking process, the Define Phase is all about (you guessed it) defining the Design Challenge. A fancy word for problem statement. It allows you and your team to build on all the findings from the Discovery phase.

  • We start with creating research-based Personas which we follow-up with Customer Journey Mapping.
  • From these two deliverables, we're able to help you define and prioritise Business Opportunities. These opportunity areas are identified through user research and customer journeys, which provide insights into what users want to see in a product or service.

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Ideate & Prototype

It's been said that the greatest way to capture the imagination of a customer is through design. That may be true, but it doesn't mean you need to spend hours designing a logo or website from scratch before presenting your idea.

  • The BTNG Ideation workshop is a unique service offered by our hand-picked team of experts who will help your team generate eureka moments through an amazing amount of high-quality ideas for any project or problem they have been tasked with solving!
  • Prototyping is more than just making something look pretty. It's a crucial part of the Design Thinking process that helps validate ideas with real users before you invest in them.

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"We're all about Validation!" says the research team at BTNG. Validation is a crucial part of digital innovation and can save months of development time and costs.

  • You're looking for a Validation service! Validate this. Validation Validated. Validate that, validate the other thing as well... you get the idea. Well, we got your back!

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Create, Measure & Optimise

It's time to realize your validated new solutions or businesses. It's a cold world outside. The good news? We're here to help!

  • If your Digital Product could use a little more UX Design love, we're here to help!
  • For example, a Design System could help you improve uniformity and save you tons of time on design and development.
  • Want to quickly improve a specific part of your product? A Design Sprint (or a Remote Design Sprint) is an amazing tool to do just that!
  • Looking for a partner to create a new SaaS Product? We're always looking for new, mutual beneficial partnerships!

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We partner with ambitious brands, big and small.

We have the privilege of working with forward-thinking companies looking to improve their design principles. We act both as consultants and as an extension to in-house teams.

UWKM is the specialist when it comes to solving eCommerce challenges by creating custom, high-speed solutions.

Webdesign Agency

Miro — Miro is the online collaborative whiteboard which we dare to say is the backbone to our remote service.

Online collaboration

TheyDo — Partnering with TheyDo to help organizations to map their customer journeys through qualitative research.

Customer Journey Platform

Knyfe: Organisatieadvies — A consultancy agency specialised in strategy and change management for education, culture and the creative industry.


Webflow — As a webflow partner, we are able to quickly establish no-code landingpages for our A/B testing and validation of new digital products and services.

No-Code Platform

Programic — We have an ongoing partnership with Programic to assist them in their Design & Innovation efforts.

Development Agency

Succesfactor — Succesfactor partnered with BTNG to redesign their online presence and collaborate on marketing efforts.

Online Marketing Agency

I'm proud and thankful to have contributed to the success of my clients